service breakdown


Food journal reviews

A monthly service that includes a weekly evaluation of meals and snacks, liquid intake, changes in digestion, mood, and any other notable symptoms that arise. Each week I will review your journals and provide individualized feedback and recommendations to support digestive health, blood sugar regulation, hormonal balance, sleep quality, and energy.


3 Month Package

A 3 month intensive to help you finally get the answers you’ve been looking for. We will take a foundational approach to find the root of your symptoms and in supporting your body from the ground up. You will receive 1:1 support from me throughout out time together via bi-weekly zoom calls, messaging in between, and a handful of resources to lean on along the way.


6 Month Package

A 6 month comprehensive deep-dive into your health. We will take a foundational approach to find the root of your symptoms and in supporting your body from the ground up, including functional testing. You will receive 1:1 support from me throughout our time together via bi-weekly zoom calls, messaging in between, and a handful of resources to lean on along the way.

not sure which to choose?

Book a free 15 minute discovery call to find which package is best for you.