Nice to meet you.


Ally Babcock, NTP, RWP

I'm Ally, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) and Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP) who helps women with digestive issues and hormonal imbalances heal from their frustrating symptoms and find balance in the world of health. I live in Michigan with my husband Logan and our sweet kitties, Max and Lucy. I’m a introverted home-body whose idea of perfection is living in the middle of the mountains with a house full of animals. I’m an aquarias, INFJ, plant mom (how many is too many??), and make a mean avocado toast. I find the body and nature miraculous, always seeking to learn more - both out of a wonderous curiosity and in order to pass along all that I learn in order to serve my clients as best as I possibly can.


I became interested in an holistic approach to health after years of dealing with my own health struggles. I’ve dealt with painful periods, was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, a gluten sensitivity, acid reflux, and suffered from severe tension headaches. What all of those have in common is that I was handed a pill as the “solution” to every single one. That's not okay.

Between dealing with my own struggles and watching family members battle with their health as well, I became beyond fed up with feeling uncared for and unheard. Fed up with all of the “solutions” I was given being attached to a long list of negative side effects. I started learning more about natural approaches to healing like acupuncture, massage, and nutrition. I had started to develop such a love for health and all that I was learning that I decided I wanted to help others the same way I had learned to help myself. I became a NTP through the Nutritional Therapy Association at the end of 2017 and it was the best decision I’ve ever made!

The Nutritional Therapy approach

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I look at your health concerns and the frustrating symptoms you’re dealing with and help you figure out WHY they’re happening and how we can address the root-cause. I want to be for you what I wish I had when I was going through my own health struggles, and help you heal from your own using a safe and natural approach. Our bodies are INCREDIBLE and they’re designed to work WITH us to heal. You may feel at times like your body is against you because you’re dealing with symptoms like embarrassing digestive discomforts, acne that you can’t seem to get rid of, missing or irregular periods, or anxiety, but it’s not! It’s trying to get your attention and tell you that something is off. So rather than slapping a band-aid on those symptoms, lets figure out WHY your body is trying to get your attention so badly and how you can nurture it so you can finally find relief.